Fall Festival – Summary

In conjunction with the city wide Community League Day on September 15th, Belvedere hosted our Fall Festival, Party for the Park.
The day-long event was a HUGE success!! Many residents of our community, as well as neighbouring communities, were out to take in a variety of events. From the first event of the day, the kids’ bike parade, to the people enjoying the sounds of the K-Tels in the beer gardens late into the evening; it was a well rounded event with fun for everyone.
The Show n’ Shine included 27 registered vehicles as well as some vintage Edmonton Police cruisers, and our pie baking contest had eight delicious entries from some fabulous Belvedere resident bakers. The EPS were also on hand as the Parade Marshalls for the children on their bikes, judges of the home-made pie baking contest, and even to offer up one of the constables to brave the depth of the dunk tank. Councillor Ed Gibbons was also on hand and made the draws for our community league membership gift bag and raffles. The dunk tank was initially filled with warm water but it didn’t take long for it to turn into a very chilly experience for those who offered to be dunked by the ball hitting the target (or kids hitting it!). We had 3 young adult children of the executive be the first brave souls, then Councillor Tony Caterina got soaked, followed by the EPS constable, and then finally the community league President got his turn in the tank. Mike put up with the chilly water for well over an hour as many lined up to have a turn dunking him.
The children enjoyed many different activities including the Tubs of Fun amusement ride, bouncy castles, petting zoo, face painting and some carnival games. Thanks to the Girl Guides that volunteered to run many of these events for the afternoon. The children loved the variety of entertainment, but the biggest smiles came from the riders on the tub of fun!
The event could not have been successful without the countless hours of volunteer time and commitment of over 60 volunteers. Thank you to all who helped with organisation, recruited sponsors for the event, picked up materials and equipment, cooked and ran the concession, looked after memberships, sold tickets, bar tending and security for the beer gardens, set up and clean up after the event…this event was a huge success largely in part to your involvement. Thank you for making a difference!!
Show n‘ Shine – thanks to the 27 entrants from various car clubs for giving us the opportunity to see their spectacular vehicles, check our website for pictures. Each entrant was given a ballot for Competitors Choice. People’s choice was open to everyone to pick their favourite… Competitor’s Choice was a tie awarded to Ron Yagos with a 1971 Dodge Dart Swinger & Brian McNeill with a 1967 Plymouth Barracuda
and the People’s Choice was awarded to Bill & Jean Skene who won a 1955 Ford Crown Victoria
We received lots of positive feedback the day of the event and would like to organise a similar event next year, however with the planning and organising involved we would first like to know your thoughts.
Did you attend the event?
What did you like or not like about the Party for the Park?
We encourage any feedback, please check our website and send us an email, or drop a note in the hall mailbox. Watch for future surveys.
By organising events like this, we are trying to make this a community that everyone feels they belong to and are a part of, as well as fund raise towards the redevelopment of Belvedere playground.
If you attended the Party for the Park, thank you for coming out to support the community, and for making the event so successful!
If you didn’t get a chance to come out, check out the pictures on the website. We hope to see you next year!!
To find out how you can get involved we encourage you to stop by a meeting, or give anyone on the executive call.
Lisa Kleparchuk
Party for the Park
Event Coordinator