City of Edmonton Spring Sweep Starts April 11

Beginning April 11, weather permitting, the City of Edmonton will start its spring sweep campaign. The annual street cleaning service will clear debris and dust from roads, bike lanes and major pathways, making them cleaner and safer for all modes of transportation.
Businesses can sweep debris from their sidewalks and walkways onto the road between April 1-10, so City crews can clear it away during the spring sweep. Residents and businesses can also help by moving their vehicles and providing crews plenty of room to work as they clear sand and debris from City boulevards and streets.
The week of April 11 may include pre-sweeping for arterial roads in Business Improvement Areas. This is to pick up sand and debris between traffic lanes but not the curb and gutter. Complete sweeping of curbs and gutters will be scheduled for later in the campaign. Please check the schedule at
Edmontonians can view the schedule at to see when street sweeping will be coming to their community. Please know this schedule is subject to change and will be updated as crews complete work.
Additional tools for spring cleaning such as Capital City Cleanup litter kits are available to residents and businesses for free and can be requested by filling out this form on the City’s website. The City also offers funding under the Community Clean Up Grant Program on a first-come, first-served basis for bin and truck rentals, disposal costs, litter removal projects, and other initiatives that promote community cleanliness.