Community League Membership

We are a volunteer-run, community-based organization that focuses on improving the well being of the residents in our community.

Support the Belvedere Community League through membership:

  • Family: $20
  • Single Adult: $10
  • Seniors (65+): $10

Purchase your annual membership at a community event, the rink, or by contacting (2023/24 Season expires August 31, 2024).

Memberships are also available online through the EFCL website. If you purchase your membership through EFCL, please contact the membership email above to arrange pick-up of your skate tags and swims pass.

Benefits of Membership

Free Community Swim

Belvedere Community League swim times are available at the following pools:

  • Grand Trunk Fitness and Leisure Centre: 13025 – 112 Street @ 7:15 – 9:15 PM on Fridays
  • O’Leary Fitness and Leisure Centre: 8804 – 132 Avenue @ 4:15 – 6:15 PM on Saturdays Closed Mar.10th-May 30th
  • Londonderry Fitness and Leisure Centre: 14528 – 66 Street @ 4:15 – 5:45 PM on Sundays

Must present current community league membership card & swim pass. Ask for the swim pass when you buy your membership or contact to arrange pick-up.

PLEASE use your card or we could lose this membership benefit.

Free Community Skating

Receive your skate tags which allow you to skate at many of the outdoor community rinks. Ask for the tags when you buy your membership or contact to arrange pick-up.

Membership Discounts

City of Edmonton Recreation Facilities

Reduced rates to City of Edmonton recreational facilities through the Community League Wellness Program which offers the following discounts:

  • Annual Membership – 20% discount on Adult, Family, Child, and Youth/Senior Annual Memberships.
  • Multi Admission Pass – 15% discount on already discounted multi admission pass (5+ visits) Applies to new purchases only.

Cloverdale Paint

Show your Community League membership card, mention Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues (code 057EFCL) and receive wholesale pricing at any Cloverdale Paint location. Find your closest Cloverdale Paint store.

House of Wheels

House of Wheels is Alberta’s largest indoor skatepark for scootering, skateboarding, BMXing, etc. They are dedicated to ensuring anyone can find and enjoy the world of action sports in a fun and supervised indoor site. Perfect for our city’s long, cold winters. Locat ed on 88th street, just off the Whitemud.

Show your Community League membership card for a 10% discount on pass prices. Check or